Characterized by processions in many parts of the county, but notably the procession of the Holy Burial in Albalate de Cinca, where the “Miserere" is sung, whose origin may come from a Gregorian chant and was interpreted by the monks of the convent San Francisco de Paula. Standing out is the tradition that babies pass by the tomb three times at the end of the Holy Friday procession.

The belief, stemming from a distant origin, is that children will not suffer disease. During this time, usually the night of Holy Saturday, in many riverside villages the “quintos” (youth turning 18 years of age) celebrate their coming of age with dinners, meetings and song. The region has numerous guilds of grand tradition involved in this religious celebration such as the one founded in Alcolea de Cinca in the eighteenth century.

In recent years, there has been growing fondness for drumming and bass drumming. This is reflected in the many events scheduled for these dates all around the region and especially in Monzón where all religiously affiliated fraternities meet and play in unison, known as the “Toque de Monzón”. All the brotherhoods organize processions walking through different neighborhoods to get them all to the Santa María Cathedral.