Arabs (the Moors) arrive in Monzón in 714, attracted to Monzón for being an enclave in the borderlands of Huesca and Lérida districts. After long-standing disputes between Muslim families, it was taken by El Cid in 1083, for the Muslim King Al-Mu’taman of Zaragoza. In the year 1089, the child-king Pedro I reconquers the plaza, namedas part of the Kingdom of Monzón for his father, King Sancho Ramírez of Aragón,and offered to his son, heir of the Crown of Aragón.

In the year 1143, the Order of the Knights Templar obtains the Monzón Castle, where the principal charge of the Crown of Aragón will be headquartered. Responsibility for the care, education and protection of Jaime I of Aragón during part of his infancy (1214-1217) lies with the figure of Guillem de Montrodon.

The Monzón Castle, with added construction by the Order of the Knights Templar, assumed an important focus for the economic boom of the area during their stay between the years 1143 and1309 and that later on would be inherited by the Order of the Sanjuanistas. The Templars strengthened the regional agricultural tradition by making use of the irrigation systems. In fact, in the Cofita locality, lived a sub-commander byorder of the commander of the Monzón Castle and as surviving testimony to that are numerous stonemason markings, engraved figures of Knights Templar and a sundial. They renovatedroutes and bridges preserved from the Roman and Muslim territorial occupations, but above all, they created an economic-financial network rested upon its relation with the area’s Jewish population, concentrated in Fonz, Monzón and Alcolea de Cinca, all of which found themselves ineconomically vigorous positions at the time.

No less important is the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Romeral of Monzón, the place where such important events in the history of our Crown took place, as in the Spanish Parliament of Aragón, attended by the King and all the nobility, the clergy and city representatives in order to present their complaints, discuss and organize such important events as the conquests of overseas territories and even to legislate.